International Afrodescendent People's Day
For the 2022 International Afrodescendent People's Day, Michelle interviews Emanuela Mora on why the holiday is more important than ever. Italian language feature in Vogue.
la Repubblica: "Made in Italy is Not a Color"
La Repubblica highlights the achievements of the Afro Fashion Association on the occasion of Michelle's participation in the 2022 edition of Festival DiverCity.
Founder Profiled in Icon Magazine
Good Morning Vogue Meets the Fab 5
International Afrodescendent People's Day
For the 2022 International Afrodescendent People's Day, Michelle interviews Emanuela Mora on why the holiday is more important than ever. Italian language feature in Vogue.
la Repubblica: "Made in Italy is Not a Color"
La Repubblica highlights the achievements of the Afro Fashion Association on the occasion of Michelle's participation in the 2022 edition of Festival DiverCity.